Our athletes are just like you.
They are mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. They are students or business owners.
They understand that time is a commodity, so they use it wisely...
Our athletes have their own reasons, for getting up & pushing themselves unlike anyone else,
and then, they accomplish extra-ordinary things.
3x Guiness World Record / Ultra Cycling
7x State Records/ current
28x National AG Championships / Triathlon
5x Senior Nationals / Cycling
7x Transcontinental crossings / Cycling
10x World Championships / Ultra Cycling
4x LEADVILLE / Mountain Biking
4x RAAM finishes
3x TNGA Rookie finishes / Ultra distance MTN BIKE
30x IRONMAN finishes
3x ULTRA SPICE / INDIA / Ultra Cycling
1x vRAAM / 3rd place OA/ Ultra cycling